Saturday, October 20, 2007

Week 34 ALREADY?!

Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which she'll need to regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.
Week 34
6 Weeks LEFT to my due date!
Yesterday, was not such a great day, I was starting to make dinner and I slipped on some water on the floor and fell backwards onto my back. That hurt on those darn white tiles!! Today I am alright. I am a bit sore, but nothing major.
Well, today was much better. Today, I had a great day with my Mom in Law and we went shopping for lots of stuff. We started our morning at the Bread Garden for a quick breakfast, and we ran a whole bunch of errands. Some for the pregnancy/baby/birth and the rest for Halloween, a wedding, and for Boxing Day! Must plan ahead. We also had lunch together. It was nice to catch up!
I got myself 3 nursing tanks, my granny pants for after the birth (not my most fave look!! yuck) and I got 2 nursing shirts. I am always amazed at what the stores come out with. When I was first pregnant, it was those round maternity panels, and yuck styles. Now, the choices are endless. I found a nice knitted black dress for the wedding, and some fancy undergarments (also to do double duty for the wedding I will attend when I am 36 weeks, and for the maternity photos I am going to have done the following week) and I bought a pair of heels in size 10 lol, and a pair of slippers in size 11!! And, a pair of maternity tights. I have an upcoming pedicure and waxing, and I also have a hair appointment. These are my last appointments, besides doctors appointments before baby arrives. When I am done with my mat clothes I will pass them onto my friend Cynthia. I think she will like them!
We *think* we have 2 names picked now. In all of the history of our name picking, we have NEVER had such a hard time doing so! But, we are good WE THINK lol. Well, for today anyways.
Baby talk, well this baby moves so much, that our bed shakes underneath me when I am trying to sleep. This baby responds to my touch, and we *play* with the baby. Yesterday, Carly got to feel the hiccups. She thought that the feeling was very neat! And, this baby does get a lot of hiccups. Sometimes hiccups and movement all at the same time. I have also been getting A LOT of Braxton Hicks. And boy oh boy, are they ever tight. Sometimes I get about 4-5 of them every 2 minutes and they go away. Wow, they almost take my breath away. I also have been getting a bit of sciatica down my back and legs. And, I am going pee now about 3-4 times a night. So, we are getting ready for a baby sooner rather than later I think! But, one never knows! That makes it all the more exciting.
We got a cute white highchair off Craigslist. It is a wooden highchair that is older and it is painted white. The best part is that it was only $30.00. We thought was a fabulous deal. I am also eyeing a white wooden cradle for our bedroom that is only $60.00. That will buy us some time in the 'decorating' department, and sorting out a game plan after the rush of a newborn and Christmas/Christmas break and New Years. Once we know what we are having, it will be SO much easier to prepare the room and get more settled. At that point we will buy ONE MORE CRIB. I am so excited to see where the baby will sleep!! It is so fun to guess. Every day we do guesses!

1 comment:

Allyson said...

Ow, you didn't tell my you fell honey! How are you feeling today (Sunday?) any residual pain? I sure hope not.
I must put in a protest about the term "Granny Panties", I know you didn't coin it, but now that I am one, I don't like the inference of the type of drawers I wear! ha ha.