Tuesday, July 3, 2007

It's a BABY!

Here are the first glimpses of our sweet baby number six!
Will it be a boy or a girl??

Ultrasound was done this afternoon, and Cliff was able to make it. She was a really nice tech, and she said we had a very uncooperative baby! I had to roll on both sides as baby wouldn't move around enough. I told her, and Cliff that this baby truly will fit in very nicely then! We saw the spine, the two parts of the brain, the ribs and the umbilical cord! And sweet little legs and feet!

Well, it's a baby in there! And during the scan when Cliff was there, she called the baby "he!" I wouldn't get too excited people!! I know a lot of you out there are rooting for a boy, but I still say girl! She probably calls every baby "he" when doing her scans. Anyways, we didn't want to find out the gender, just the health of the baby. I am just happy there is one baby in there. I will have the results of this (long) scan in couple of weeks at my next doctors appointment.

It was a very exciting day for us all, and I cannot wait to show the scan photos to the kids on Friday afternoon when they get back from camping with Aunty Amy and Uncle Tyler!


Allyson said...

Look at my beautiful Grandchild. I just know this precious child will be the apple of my eye in no time flat! Just like the 5 that preceded it, that is! Love you Wee-C. Nanny and Pappa xxxooo

***********Dawn*********** said...


How exciting to finally have a peek at the newest wee "C" growing inside you! I especially love the foot shot.


Anonymous said...

Wow! It becomes so real when you actually see the little person growing inside.

It looks like a boy to me!

Kerry said...

That is just amazing Cathy! Glad to see the next little C is cooking nicely! So exciting!

Hope Walls said...

I think it looks like a badger! The one on the top right - you can totally see its little markings! Congrats on your little (single) badger, Cathy!

LauraC said...

Congrats! I am a little disappointed as I was hoping for TWINS! But you are probably happy to see just one!