Saturday, August 25, 2007

Some more facinating stats!


I have been through 7 first trimesters
I have been through 6 second trimesters
I have been through almost 6 third trimesters


I breastfed my first until 6 months
I breastfed my second until 12 months
I breastfed my third until 12 months
I breastfed my fourth until 12 months
I breastfed my fifth until 13.5 months (and never used any bottles this time around, we went straight to cup!)

Morning Sickness:

I have had morning sickness with all babies. The easiest time was with my first, my son. I never threw up with him. Just felt tired, and at times sick.

With my daughters:

  • Claire I was so sick, and had nausea for weeks on end.
  • Carly, I was so sick and throwing up and I considered Diclectin, but then didn't.
  • Catie, I was sick, but only a few times but had really bad 24/7 nausea
  • Caroline, I was sick a few times, but had the 24/7 nausea
  • This baby, I have thrown up four times, and had the 24/7 nausea.
  • My morning sickness lasted until about 17/18 weeks with them.

Old Wives Tales:

The heart rate pregnancy old wives tale has worked every time for us, and if it is right again I will be having another girl.

Delivery Stats:

A female doctor delivered my first boy
A male doctor delivered my first girl
A male doctor delivered the rest of my girls
A male doctor will be delivering this baby...I call girl

Glucose Screenings:

I had to take the three hour gestational diabetes test with two out of five babies so far. With Cameron, my first, and Caroline my last pregnancy. I go for my test next week! Time will tell.

Natural Childbirth:

I have had natural childbirths with each of my kids. I have used nitrous oxide right before pushing with all of them. From about 9-10 cms. Pushed out 5 babies with my own will lol.


  • Cameron: Water broke in a gush, 16 hours total, hard labour; pushed for 2 hours, needed stitching and had some hemorrhaging afterwards
  • Claire: Tiny water leak, 11 hours total, hard labour; pushed for 20 mins
  • Carly: Tiny water leak, 8 hours total, hard labour pushed through 10 mins
  • Catie: Induced, broke my water, 9 hours, hard labour, pushed through 2 contractions
  • Caroline: Induced, broke my water, 6 hours, hard labour, could have pushed her head out in one push, stopped and then 1 or 2 contractions she was born

The Kids' Stats:

  • Cameron born at 37 weeks (19 days early) 7 lbs. 1 oz.
  • Claire born at 36 weeks, 6 lbs. 12 oz.
  • Carly, born at 37 weeks (on her brothers original due date, 19 days early too at 6 lbs. 14 oz.
  • Catie, born at 39 weeks (day after her Daddy) at 7 lbs. 5 oz.
  • Caroline, born at 38 weeks, 7 lb.s 4 oz.

Who was present at the births:

  • Cameron: Cliff and my 2 sisters
  • Claire, Cliff and my 2 sisters
  • Carly, Cliff, my Mom, my Dad, my MIL, Cliff's cousin, my friend and my 2 sisters
  • Catie, Cliff and my 2 sisters
  • Caroline, Cliff, and my two friends Lisa (with 5, and expecting her 6th like I am) and Louise. Sisters missed the birth. And, there were a lot of nursing staff and students in the room
  • Baby C6: Will just be Cliff and I!


Alyson said...

So based on your history, you are having a girl, she will be born at 38wks. She will be 7pounds 3 oz, you will be induced and have 7 hours of hard labor and she will be out in 1 contraction :)

Isn't it nice that I have it all sorted out for you ;)


cathy said...

Oh Alyson, if only it were that easy to plan lol!! ;D

I guess only time will tell!