Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A pregnant girl waddles up to the chair...

Yes, I went to the dentist two nights ago. The hygienist (in-training) said I am just going to do some x-rays. I said no. I am pregnant. She said it is not on your chart. She says how far along are you? I say about six months along. I am almost 25 weeks. Oh, but you don't look pregnant.
I said to her, I will take that as a compliment. I said my last appointment was about six months ago. Please mark it on my chart for next time. Well, next time I will have a newborn! Duh.

Then, I get is this your first baby. And, I am like nope. This is our sixth. YOUR SIXTH?! Oh my God, are you CRAZY??! You must be busy. YES I AM BUSY. Now, can we just get my teeth done now!! I want to get out of here! You have kept me here way too long! *just talking in my brain there, didn't say that to her lol* Finally she is done.

The head hygienist comes out. She says, you are pregnant. And we go through the yes, it is my sixth baby blah blah blah. I just want to get home. Well the hygienist (head) was pregnant too, with her second. Her baby belly was pushing into my head and holding a piece of my hair and it hurt. So, I moved my hair away.

That was the longest appointment EVER!!!

I cannot believe they couldn't tell!!! The baby was kicking away during the cleaning, quite possibly because I was uncomfortable in the chair, and I felt like I couldn't breathe! There was lots of belly action! lol.

Oh, I have no cavities but of course. They said I have the most beautiful smile, and the whitest teeth! Thanks to my 3 years of braces, headgear and elastics and many years of retainers! PS. The head hygeinest said I should consider getting new retainers especially for the bottom...Thanks Mom and Dad xo


Kerry said...

Maybe these dentists and hygienists are so focussed on people's mouths and faces they don't bother to look down a little! LOL

I think it's time for a 'Captain Obvious' t-shirt!!!

(And don't you just hate it when they get your hair caught on either them or some equipment in the chair...and it's not comfortable to wear a ponytail like that to avoid it. hmmm invention is needed here!)

PamnPat'sParadise said...

Do you think they had their eyes closed or something??? kinda hard not to tell - some people!!!

LauraC said...

Do you still wear your retainers?! I thought I was the only person over 18 stil wearing their retainers from braces. I've been wearing my retainers from the age of 17 until now (33)...

cathy said...

Hi Laura,

Yes, I sure do! They are wearing out, and I REALLY need new ones. They are my second set already. I have worn them from 16 until now (almost 36) and I find my teeth still shift around!

LauraC said...

My dentist told me retainers have a "life" of about 10 years, so expect to replace them every decade. Mine will need to be replaced soon.

I can't believe I finally met another person who still wears their retainers!

cathy said...

Well, then it is high time I get some new ones!! It is nice to meet another person who also wears their retainers!!

Carol Kerfoot said...

OK was she blind?

Carol Kerfoot said...

OOHH OHHHHH I have a retainer too! Its a permanent one on the bottom inside!!!

Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH! I would be SO insulted. How do you NOT look pregnant? I have never seen a better looking, more OBVIOUS looking pregnant lady in my LIFE!

I knew I hated dentists.

Unknown said...

Now I feel left out because I do not have a retainer. Hehe