Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Thumpity Thump, Thumpity Thump...

Well, today I had my 12 week (+4 day) appointment. I gained 2 pounds, and we heard the heartbeat of our number 6! It was on the high side (see I know it is going to be a girl) around 150-160 beats per minute. I can never tire of the sound of a brand new heartbeat! Our heartbeats were beating in sinc of each other (and my doctor said they would forever be that way...isn't he sweet.) Tears of happiness welled up in my eyes. That made this pregnancy real. In fact, I was kind of not feeling like I was pregnant, even though I knew I was pregnant. I think I was just safeguarding myself from any pain of perhaps something awful happening.

But anyways, all is well. I am emotionally well, and physically well! I am so excited to meet this baby. And, my doctor thinks this baby will be our bookend. I am not so sure about that. I feel girl, and Cliff is going with boy this time. (He has only been right once, with Caroline) I have higher odds with me being right for 3/5.

I have my paper work for the triple screen to do on June 15th. And, I have my requisition for my 18 week ultrasound. I need to book that for after July 1st. Where does the time go?!

As for sickness, I still have my moments of nausea, I am gagging on my toothbrush still, and I just feel like the wind has been knocked from my sails. I am always cold, and wanting to nap. I guess this is what pregnancy at 35 is for me. It wasn't like when I was 27...that is for sure.

Here is an interesting stat! At that end of this pregnancy I will have spent just over FIVE YEARS of my life pregnant. Wow eh! More interesting stats to come.


Wendy said...

I am enjoying reading your pregnancy blog Cathy - keep on blogging! Hope your nausea goes soon - mine went at about 13/14 weeks.

Irma said...

Eeeek...that sounds like a long time when you say it like that! I think I've been pretty much either pregnant or nursing since we've been married (11 years)'ll be nice to know what it feels like to be 'normal' again...that is if that still exists (-: lol

Mrs. Merriman said...

So happy for you :D Hearing the heartbeat sure does make it real, eh!? I remember feeling the same way with Ben. xo

AmberW said...

That is such an awesome post... I remember that feeling and sound of hearing the heartbeat for the first time, and it was exciting the first, second AND the third time...

I can't believe that you are into the second trimester:) Wahooooo!

Carol Kerfoot said...

SO very very exciting!