Sunday, June 3, 2007

14 weeks 1 day pregnant - June 3rd

Here is the first official side view photo is no doubt that I am pregnant...I cannot believe this belly. My goodness. (above photo is me at 16 weeks with Caroline for comparison)


Yvonne said...

Looking good Cathy ... I noticed the baby belly on your posts from Caroline's birthday ... how you feeling?

cathy said...

Jerusha: Thank you, and I know you have a beautiful belly!! No matter how you describe it. You have a baby growing! That is all that matters

Yvonne: Thanks you. Yes, I am feeling so so. VERY tired and breathless at times. All I want to do is sit or sleep and most times that is not possible ;D

Hope Walls said...

Lookityou all bursting at the belly!

Jasmyne said...

You look beautiful! The miracle of life continuously amazes me!

Carol Kerfoot said...

Ei Karumba

cathy said...

Ei Karumba??? Whatcha mean girlfriend? lol

Alyson said...

O.K I must be hormonal or something. I just checked out your great pics and teared up!!! Either because I am missing being pregnant and know I won't be again. (but you never know) or because I want to be again. Hmmm Anyway you look great.

cathy said...

Alyson: Oh I am sorry...*hugs* and thank you!