Thursday, June 21, 2007

Triple Screen Results: A-OK

I had my appointment today, and it went just fine. I put on six pounds, the baby had a heart rate of 152 bpm. When my doctor came into the exam room, I said to him SO, IS EVERYTHING GOOD? And he said he never got the results back yet. Which is good thing, because I did the blood work on Friday morning. Usually bad results reach his desk within two days. So he said he would call the blood service. As he is getting on the phone, his assistant came in with an unopened envelope with my results from the triple screen! He looks, doesn't freak and all is well.

For Down Syndrome:
My current risk based on my age was 1/333
From my current blood work my risk was 1/495 (or basically a risk that a 34 year old would have I am almost 36!)

For Spinal Bifida:
My risk was extremely low! Way lower than the average, in fact.

So what does that mean for me? No Amnio that is for sure! I am happy to not have to do such an invasive procedure! I am not going to have one based on this risk assessment. I feel good to just go for my detailed ultrasound on July 3. That should be good enough. IF something comes up on that appointment, I will revisit my options at that time. Right now, things are good! Let us go with that!

Baby is growing nicely, I am measuring right on track, I am healthy, I am growing a nice belly and life is good! I need to start working on my Christmas plans!! By golly we will have a baby by Christmas!

I have to ask myself, was this worth it? And I would have to answer with a big YES! Big worry out of my head (for today anyways ;D)

The feeling inside of me right now: Peaceful and Calm

The end result: Priceless


Mrs. Merriman said...

Yay for you! Yay for baby! I just knew everything would be a-ok :D *hugs*

Yvonne said...

Congrats Cathy ... good news is always well received. Now you can settle your mind (as much as a prego mom can!) and enjoy your pregnancy and plan the future ... I vote for a boy!

Allyson said...

It is great all the way around. Can't wait until late November! xxxooo

Hope Walls said...

How reassuring for you, Cathy!

So, does this mean you're coming to visit me when I'm passing through town, or what?

Kerry said...

Glad everything is good with you and teenie C in there! That's a huge worry off your shoulders.