I was suspicious on Saturday, March 24th during a trip to Science World in Vancouver. I thought my cycle was on its way, but nope. I experienced implantation spotting. A tell tale sign for me for the last few pregnancies.
So, on a trip to Wal*Mart I picked up a 2 pack of Clearblue Easy tests. I took one on Sunday, March 25th, and it came up very faintly positive at the one minute mark. Then I took the second test on Monday morning (the 26th) and that one came up positive. I couldn't believe it. So, then I then went to Shoppers Drugmart to get another two pack of a different brand of tests. I picked up their Life Brand. The Wednesday test was positive, as well as the Friday test. I then called my doctor's office and let them know. I scheduled my first prenatal appointment.
I had a bit of spotting on the Wednesday, and the Thursday. But I was definately pregnant.
I had a bit of spotting on the Wednesday, and the Thursday. But I was definately pregnant.
I still can't believe you did FOUR tests .... LOL!
I think its so funny, that a woman can do so many tests Cathy :) I have gone thru this with girlfriends before, and there were more then 4 tests let me tell you! I would get calls of doubt from other provinces that it cant be, because the line is "barely" visible...but there is no such thing as a lil bit pregnant, nor is there any such issue as God making a mistake. How exciting, knowing that another life will soon be in your midst. Praise God for his mercies!!!
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